Garekae, Hesekia, Shackleton, Charlie M. Foraging wild food in urban spaces: The contribution of wild foods to urban dietary diversity in South Africa. 2020.
Hits: 946
Visitors: 1063
Downloads: 133
Garekae, Hesekia. Rhodes University; 2020. Urbanisation, foraging and household food security in urban South Africa.
Hits: 4869
Visitors: 4920
Downloads: 534
Garekae, Hesekia, Shackleton, Charlie M, Tsheboeng, Gaolathe. Elsevier; 2022. The prevalence, composition and distribution of forageable plant species in different urban spaces in two medium-sized towns in South Africa.
Hits: 622
Visitors: 655
Downloads: 41
Garekae, Hesekia, Shackleton, Charlie M. Taylor and Francis; 2021. Knowledge of formal and informal regulations affecting wild plant foraging practices in urban spaces in South Africa.
Hits: 431
Visitors: 458
Downloads: 30
Garekae, Hesekia, Shackleton, Charlie M. Urban foraging of wild plants in two medium-sized South African towns: People, perceptions and practices. 2020.
Hits: 969
Visitors: 1019
Downloads: 67
Sardeshpande, Mallika, Hurley, Patrick T, Mollee, Eefke, Garekae, Hesekia, Dahlberg, Annika C, Emery, Marla R, Shackleton, Charlie M. Frontiers; 2021. How people foraging in urban greenspace can mobilize social–ecological resilience during Covid-19 and beyond.